Another finished quilt... and my helper, Abbey. As soon as the quilt was unfolded and spread with care, she jumped up and tried it out! I'm very lucky this quilt is for us and not someone else. Abbey is my constant follower and source of many laughs around here. She's frequently found in this position, quite immodestly spread out on her quilt, on the sofa. Our little hussy!
It's been quite the lazy winter Saturday around here. I've been playing with Electric Quilt software, which is still a bit confusing. I know many quilters use it, so there's hope for me. I still like drawing things out myself.
I've also been playing with all the possibilities these little half square triangles present. I finally decided on this arrangement, and am reasonably happy with it. Now do I add a boarder, I think so. I don't have any yardage from this Moda line(Cattails & Clover) but I rummaged around and found an older Kansas Troubles FQ that is in the same tone. It should work. I just need to figure out the next step. A pieced border would be nice, or applique....
One thing I'm sure of... it'll keep until tomorrow.
I started this project by playing with charm pack fabric, and making a list of all the patterns possible from a 5" square. It's been a fun challenge so far.
I'm thinking a 4 patch outer border might work. Or... paper piecing a small flower block and using them as a border. I have several charm packs left, so anything pieced is possible.
One of my favorite activities is attending estate sales, barn sales, and basic treasure hunting! Sometimes, once in a great while... I find something a bit special. Down below is one such find. This is a vintage pie bird. So cute! I couldn't find much information about it or other pie birds. I do know there are pie bird collectors though. Since I only collect quilts and old colored pottery, this was listed on ebay. My ebay listings started as a way to find new homes for extra sets of china, pottery I didn't like anymore, and maybe sell a few quilts that were piling up. But lately, it has actually turned into something more. I love finding new homes for lost treasures! It sounds silly, I know. But, I just can't keep everything, and on ebay I know someone who really loves the item will give it a good home. So, while I hunt for old quilts, sewing items, and pottery, I keep an eye open for things I know my new customers will love. Plus it's a really good reason to keep treasure hunting!